
May 28th 2020 - 2 papers on the depression study were published!

Nakano T, Takamura M, Ichikawa N, Okada G, Okamoto Y, Yamata M, Suhara T, Yamawaki S, Yoshimoto J: Enhancing multi-center generalization of machine-learning based depression diagnosis from resting-state fMRI., Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11: 400, 2020.

April 20th 2020 - 2 papers on the depression study were accepted!

Yoshino A, Okamoto Y, Sumiya Y, Okada G, Takamura M, Ichikawa N, Nakano T, Shibasaki C, Aizawa H, Yamawaki, Y, Kawakami K, Yokoyama S, Yamawaki, S: Importance of the habenula for avoidance learning including contextual cues in the human brain: A preliminary fMRI study, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.

April 1st 2020 - Prof. Nakano started a new laboratory @FHU