
August 29th 2023 - a paper on mechanism underlying orofacial movements during reward processing was published!

June 3rd 2022 - a paper on signaling cascade was published!

February 22nd 2022 - a paper on liposomal treatment for epilepsy was published!

November 27th 2021 - a paper on neurofeedback was published!

November 25th 2021 - a paper on depression was published!

July 22nd 2021 - A study with Yamashita lab was published in Nature Communications!

A study of neural control using X-ray was published in Nature Communications! This study is a collaboration study with Yamashita lab in FHU.

April 1st 2021 - Name of Department has been changed

New name is Computational Biology

Feb 26th 2021 - a new paper is now opened!

Feb 12th 2021 - a preprint on the neurofeedback was published!

Resting-state brain activity can predict target-independent aptitude in fMRI-neurofeedback training Takashi Nakano, Masahiro Takamura, Haruki Nishimura, Maro Machizawa, Naho Ichikawa, Atsuo Yoshino, Go Okada, Yasumasa Okamoto, Shigeto Yamawaki, Makiko Yamada, Tetsuya Suhara, Junichiro Yoshimoto

Sep 24th 2020 - a paper on the dopamine and stress was published!

Dopaminergic Signaling in the Nucleus Accumbens Modulates Stress-Coping Strategies during Inescapable Stress Wanpeng Cui, Tomomi Aida, Hikaru Ito, Kenta Kobayashi, Yusaku Wada, Shigeki Kato, Takashi Nakano, Meina Zhu, Kaoru Isa, Kazuto Kobayashi, Tadashi Isa, Kohichi Tanaka, Hidenori Aizawa Journal of Neuroscience 16 September 2020, 40 (38) 7241-7254; DOI: 10.